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Homeowners Spanish

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Customer Service E-Mail

Insurance Masters
Insurance Agency
4929 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite #230
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Calif. Insurance License #0D73834
4929 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 230
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Phone: 323-937-9600
Insurance Masters was formed in March of 1986. The Broker Owner, Vaughn L Powell, has over 40 years of experience and has been licensed in the state of California for the same period of time.
We sell and service only in the state of California. We are an independent Insurance Agency representing more than 50 major Insurance Companies. We offer both honest and competitive prices with the highest standards of professionalism. All of the staff are Bi-lingual (English and Spanish). The agency has (6) affiliated offices in the surrounding Los Angeles and Orange County areas.
We specialize in personal Auto (Seguros de Auto) for our English and Spanish speaking customers. Request a quote from us today and see the difference that Insurance Masters.Net will make for you!
We also have an online auto registration service. We can do most all type of transfers and issue new stickers for renewals.
Other Locations
Our main office is in Los Angeles but we also have 6 affiliated offices in the following cities:
Santa Ana (3 offices) (Orange County)
Huntington Park (1Office)(Los Angeles County)
Orange (1 Office) (Orange County)
Stanton (1 Office) (Orange County)
If any of those offices would be more convenient to visit we may direct you per request. That is if you physically want to visit the office but we can do all the paper work by email and fax or by the paperless E Z buy method, and be bound immediately. Contact us today to get any additional locations, and your auto, or homeowner insurance quote!
Thank you for Visiting the Web Site of Insurance Masters.net Contact us via E-Mail at: enc-associates@att.net 4929 Wilshire Blvd., Suite#230 Los Angeles, CA 90010 | Phone: 323-937-9600
Out of Area Toll Free Phone Number: 855-362-2886 | Fax: 323-937-9601
Questions or site-related technical problems, contact: enc-associates@att.net
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